Australian Self Defence
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Kids Hapkido

Hapkido - What is it? test

Hapkido is often called the “complete” martial arts for its comprehensive armoury of defensive tactics. It is a Mix Martial Art (MMA) that has powerful strikes, kicks, locks, throws and takedowns, pressure points and self defence principles ensure that it is indeed complete.

In the most comprehensive tome on Hapkido Marc Tedeschi says “ Most martial arts place an emphasis on two or three technique areas. Hapkido is somewhat unique in that it attempts to integrate seven areas: striking, avoiding and blocking, holding, throwing, internal techniques (meditation, breathing, internal energy development) and healing. The first six area are emphasized equally during formal training. The seventh area healing is usually part of master level training…….”

However, Hapkido draws on hundreds of years of martial arts practise and knowledge and ancient knowledge of proper breathing techniques, using the body’s energy sources and pressure points are all key ingredients of this martial art.

Our Children’s Sessions:

  • Incorporate learning with fun activities
  • Encourage kids to be active
  • Have their own non-competitive achievement structure
  • Are based on a positive reinforcement system
  • Teaches Discipline and Respect for one another
  • Build your child’s Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Bully Proof your child
  • Develop your child’s Focus and self discipline,

We believe our high quality children’s programs are the best in the business. Why? They are age appropriate with a structured curriculum based on developmental abilities of the age group. We emphasis, and have a reward system for positive behaviours. We teach self defence techniques responsibly. We incorporate universal Life Principles and practical personal Safety Tips in our Programs. ASD children's programs (Hapkido and BJJ) are activities that the kids look forward to and are keen to go to, 'you won’t have to drag them along'.

Bunyips: Our Hapkido self defence program for children aged 3-5 years.

Bunyips engage in a variety of perceptual motor activities designed to develop co-ordination and skill with basic movements needed for sport. We incorporate this into our self defence program that teaches our students valuable self defence while having loads of fun. Bunyips are kept on the move for short bursts interspersed with  teaching gems that are that have double value in improving focus/concentration while teaching skills.

Walleroos: Our Hapkido self defence program for children aged 5-8 years.

The Wallaroos programs teaches a modified version of selected self defence techniques which are age appropriate. Children train with targets and are taught to respect their training partners. The physical and behavioral program is mindful of the developmental stages of our 5-8 year old students. Our Wallaroos gain confidence and self esteem through their positive accomplishments while having fun learning to work well with others. 

Falcons: Our Hapkido self defence program for older children aged 9-12.

We expect more of our Falcons behaviourally and physically and our program reflects that. However our Falcons love the challenge and step up to what we ask of them. Our Falcons develop focus and begin to set goals more competently, while learning the value of diligence and perserverance. As our “older kids”, Falcons begin to learn how to be great role models for our Bunyips and Wallaroos.

Kids Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), meaning “the gentle art” began in 1914 in Brazil when the Gracie family took Judo, refining and developing it through innumerable no rules contests into what we now know as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). Focusing on the use of superior leverage and technique, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) allows a smaller person to overcome a much larger attacker using joint locks and chokes. Although Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) includes stand up techniques it is most dominant on the ground. ASD is an official school of Will-Machado headed by Professor John Will 5th Degree BJJ.

Clubworx Calendar

Please see Clubworx Calendar for up todate Class Schedule for all programs. 

 Being a supportive martial arts parent

Children require the ongoing support of their parents to be great martial arts students. Parents need to ensure:

  • students get to class on time
  • students are able to attend classes twice a week

Parents also need to be their children’s number one supporter. Things a parent can do to ensure their children continue to enjoy Hapkido are:

  • stay up to date with what is happening in the school
  • ask your child what they enjoyed the most about class
  • watch a class each week and note how you think your child has improved in class. Give them praise.
  • help them learn to be a person who “sticks at” things when the going get tough.


